Journal "Software Engineering"
a journal on theoretical and applied science and technology
ISSN 2220-3397

Issue N12 2023 year

DOI: 10.17587/prin.14.592-602
Development of Digital Twins for the Design of Integrated Energy Systems
V. A. Stennikov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director,, E. A. Barakhtenko, PhD, Senior Researcher,, D. V. Sokolov, PhD, Senior Researcher,, G. S. Mayorov, Junior Researcher,, Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation
Corresponding author: Evgeny A. Barakhtenko, PhD, Senior Researcher, Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation, E-mail:
Received on July 11, 2023
Accepted on September 19, 2023

The design of integrated energy systems (lESs) is a complex problem, which is due to the high complexity of the configuration of these systems, a wide range of equipment used and a diverse set of mathematical models and specialized software used for its simulation, the need to simulate a number of decision centers and objects with complex behavior. The use of IES digital twins makes it possible to effectively simulate various directions of their development in the virtual space, which ensures the creation of effective design solutions. The article is devoted to the construction of digital twins for the design of lESs. A new methodological approach to the design of an IES based on its digital twin, developed by the authors, is presented, which includes the following components: the architecture of the software platform for creating digital twins; a set of technologies and tools for its implementation; methods for automated construction of a computing subsystem of a digital twin; methodology for the design of IES based on its digital twin. The results of a computational experiment obtained using the completed software implementation of the elements of an IES digital twin are presented. The results of a computational experiment obtained using the software implementation of the digital twin elements of the IES for a test energy supply scheme are presented. The methodological approach can be applied by research, design and operating organizations that design and develop IES. Its application allows to increase the efficiency of the design process and the quality of the resulting design solution.

Keywords: digital twin, integrated energy system, ontology, methodological approach, model-driven engineering, software platform, software architecture, computing subsystem, automation of programming, design
pp. 592–602
For citation:
Stennikov V. A., Barakhtenko E. A., Sokolov D. V., Mayorov G. S. Development of Digital Twins for the Design of Integrated Energy Systems, Programmnaya Ingeneria, 2023, vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 592—602. DOI: 10.17587/prin.14.592-602. (in Russian).
The research was performed at the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the support of the Russian Science Foundation (Grant number 22-29-01611).
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