Journal "Software Engineering"
a journal on theoretical and applied science and technology
ISSN 2220-3397

Issue N6 2023 year

DOI: 10.17587/prin.14.263-277
Three Principles of Intellectualization of Automated Systems
V. A. Vasenin, Professor,, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation, A. V. Chechkin, Honorary Professor,, Military Academy of the RVSN named after Peter the Great, Balashikha, 143900, Russian Federation, M. V. Pirogov, Engineer of the 2nd category,, S. A. Lavochkin NGO, Khimki, 141402, Russian Federation
Corresponding author: Alexsandr V. Chechkin, Honorary Professor, Military Academy of the RVSN named after Peter the Great, Balashikha, 143900, Russian Federation, E-mail:
Received on February 16, 2023
Accepted on April 12, 2023

The purpose of the research, the results of which are presented in the article, is to present the conceptual provisions of the new modeling and programming technology, called radical. It is intended for all stages of the life cycle of complex automated systems using the concept of a broad problem area and the methodology of intellectualization. Within the framework of the new radical technology, three principles of intellectualization are considered: diverse goal setting; necessary information and system redundancy; sufficient integrity in the provision of automation tools. Radical technology is based on mathematical objects — radicals and radical schemes, with the help of which the modeling of the problem area of complex automated systems should be carried out. The issues of standardization of technology for the creation and maintenance of automated systems based on the use of radical schemes are discussed. The necessity of using such schemes in the life cycle of an automated system is substantiated. The provisions of the proposed technology are briefly illustrated on the basis of the experience of their use in the development of programs for the operation of the target equipment of spacecraft. The issues of software development for automation of control processes of permanently developing and increasingly complex objects have always been and remain in the focus of attention of specialists in the field of computer science. A special place in the list of such objects is occupied, for example, by complexly organized systems of the aerospace complex. Due to the need to automate and intellectualize the processes of maintaining such a class of objects in a real environment, a new methodology and technology of software development and maintenance engineering is being developed in Russia and other countries. The problem area of complex automated systems, which include, inter alia, space systems, covers a large number of diverse components of such systems, their properties and relationships. This class of automated systems is characterized by: variability; expansion of functionality; the need for the use of rapidly developing software and hardware for various purposes. The problem area of automated systems is characterized by both significant achievements and significant shortcomings. Disadvantages can (and do) lead to large-scale, irreparable losses, accidents and catastrophes. The presence of problem­atic issues of verification and ensuring a high degree of reliability, difficulties of modification and the possibility of semantic errors — all this is characteristic of modern automated systems, for their software and hardware. The reason for the disadvantages of complex automated systems is the widespread use of technologies in their develop­ment that do not adequately cover the stages of pre-project research, including modeling. The old approach is character­ized by situations in which the problem area of an automated system, its components and their connections are not fully described. Hence the objective difficulties of software development and modification. The documentation of such software tools is characterized by the widespread use of information representation based on natural language. Automation of the processes of development and maintenance of such documentation, assessment of its completeness, correctness is sig­nificantly difficult. Mathematical formalization of the problem area of automated systems, as a rule, is insufficient. In this article, a new mathematical standardization of the formal description of the problem domain of automated systems and processes occurring in them, uniformly described on the basis of the concept of radical, is proposed. The most well-known of the approaches based on the methodology of software engineering applied to automated systems is the SEMAT (Soft­ware Engineering Method and Theory) project. The core and the domain model description language make up the basic part of the project, called Essence. An essential requirement for its components is the requirement of the possibility of an adequate and visual description for developers and an adequate (objective) assessment of the state of the target software product at all stages of its production. The project proposed in this article, based on the model of radical programming and radical modeling, is an analogue of the SEMAT/Essence project noted above. The model considered in this article is based on a uniform mathematically formalized standardization of the description of any problem area and its environment. The so-called radicals and the mechanisms of their interaction during the implementation of automated processes are considered as the basic atomic elements that make up the core of our approach. Within the framework of this model, a special modeling language, RADICAL, has been developed, taking into account the redundancy of the model description. With the help of such a language, an expressive, flexible and adequate representation of the problem area is provided, visually convenient for the developer to assess the condition of the target product at different stages of its life cycle. The development and improvement of methods for mathematically rigorous description of automated systems and their environment based on such technology is a strategically important task. This publication attempts to describe the current state of exploratory research and applied work aimed at developing a project called «radical modeling and radical programming». The material presented in the publication, including a summary of the results in relation to the automation of objects in the aerospace field, can also be considered as an invitation to new researchers to participate in the work on the development of the project. The experience of practical application of the RADICAL language, as a universal one for describing schemes of interaction of radicals in such an environment, obtained when solving problems of automation of control of the instrument base of spacecraft for various purposes, suggests the urgent need to develop and develop a single, constantly expanding library of standard information forms designed to solve different classes of tasks. Such an expandable library of information forms (libraries of radicals) should lay the foundation for a developing knowledge base of radical technology in the context of a rapidly progressing variety of software and hardware.

Keywords: software, information support for the intellectualization of technical systems, information and system security of an automated system, satellite imagery, radical environment, radical scheme, radical modeling, radical programming, RADICAL language, information form
pp. 263–277
For citation:
Vasenin V. A., Chechkin A. V., Pirogov M. V. Three Principles of Intellectualization of Automated Systems, Programmnaya Ingeneria, 2023, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 263—277. DOI: 10.17587/prin.14.263-277. (in Russian).
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