Journal "Software Engineering"
a journal on theoretical and applied science and technology
ISSN 2220-3397

Issue N2 2020 year

DOI: 10.17587/prin.11.123-128
Towards the Development of an Information System for the Automation of Secure Storage and Data Transfer
E. S. Vaseva,, N. V. Buzhinskaya,, M. S. Shushpanov,, Nizhny Tagil state socio-pedagogical Institute (branch) of Federal State Autonomous educational institution Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Nizhny Tagil, 622031, Russian Federation
Corresponding author: Vaseva Elena S., Associate Professor, Nizhny Tagil State Socio-Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Nizhny Tagil, 622031, Russian Federation E-mail:
Received on January 24, 2020
Accepted on February 28, 2020

Need for data encryption process automation system implementation at the operations is updated. Such system will help to make the information more protected and to avoid failures in company operating activities. Development strategy is considered for the system intended for alphanumeric data protection by means of encryption. Development kits are selected and the information system functioning mechanisms are discussed. The proposed system consists of an application realized through C# programming language means and a data base created in the MySQL data base control system. Certain demands were placed on the system and taken into account in the course of development; they include user-friendly interface, reliable encryption of alphanumeric data, decryption of alphanumeric data, encrypted data storage in the Cloud Storage, the stored data priority selection option, search for required content among the saved data, flexible choice of encryption algorithm (AES, SHA-1, RSA); scalability; application language selection option; setting of all important aspects of the system under development; convenient text loading and key obtaining with reliable tools; key format selection option, automatic sending of an encrypted text, plain text, key or QR-code to email addresses, maximum application independence from additional operations except for installation. The developed system will allow the user without any additional training or financial costs to receive alphanumerical data in the form protected from intruders. Upon completion of the encryption process the user will receive an encrypted text and a key to it with an option of saving it by several convenient ways and transferring it using the application tools. The software may be used by small businesses, small companies, individual entrepreneurs and individual users for additional protection of confidential information represented in an alphanumerical form.

Keywords: code, encryption, de-encryption, encryption algorithm, AES, SHA-1, RSA, information system, application, data base
pp. 123–128
For citation:
Vaseva E. S., Buzhinskaya N. V., Shushpanov M. S. Towards the Development of an Information System for the Automation of Secure Storage and Data Transfer, Programmnaya Ingeneria, 2020, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 123—128