Journal "Software Engineering"
a journal on theoretical and applied science and technology
ISSN 2220-3397
Issue N9 2019 year
One of the basic tenets of the doctrine of Industry 4.0 is the creation of "Smart factories" whose environmental information is a backbone component. The information ecology environment is designed, firstly, to provide a comprehensive service for the information needs of enterprise personnel. Secondly, to ensure the possibility of their continuous learning through the identification and dissemination of new knowledge. The key role of the information environment in the activities of a flexible and learning enterprise leads to a qualitative change in the requirements for the reliability of the information support system. A distinctive feature of information services is their human-oriented nature. This circumstance should be taken into account when assessing the reliability of information services, which are an integral part of the information ecological environment. This Article addresses the issues of analyzing the reliability of information services based on the simultaneous consideration of objective characteristics of their non-functional properties and subjective assessments by users of their functionality. The development of methods for quantifying the reliability of information services, taking into account both their objective properties and subjective assessments of users, creates the basis for scientifically based adaptation of methods for managing the reliability of technical systems in the field of managing the reliability of the digital environment.